kwan's note

unsupervised learning -비지도학습 본문

ML and AI/Machine learning - Andrew Ng

unsupervised learning -비지도학습

kwan's note 2021. 1. 24. 15:40

출처: machine learning by andrew ng, stanford cousera lecture

수강일시: 2021.01.24 


supervised learning


supervised learning -지도학습

출처: machine learning by andrew ng, stanford cousera lecture 수강일시: 2021.01.24 machine learning - Andrew Ng, Stanford(coursera) 이 복습노트는 Stanford의 Andrew Ng..


in supervised learning we tell the answer whether the former data is right/wrong or in some class on

supervised learning

however in unsupervised learning there are no labels

we find two cluster. such as news classification

as we can see on this picture, class1 is about the new coronic getting lower and class2 is about effect of corona virus in flight industry.


these are the example of unsupervised learning


cocktail party algorithmn


classify different audio sources and find, separate them

written in octave





GNU Octave

GNU Octave is a programming language for scientific computing.

